President Announces Death of Osama Bin Laden
Tonight, on May 1st, 2011 at around 10:45pm, President Barack Obama announced the killing of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. Here are some highlights of the President’s speech: “Tonight I can report to the American people and the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama Bin Laden.” ...
Faculty @ 5 Faces Cancellation
Susan Briante, assistant professor in the school of Arts & Humanities at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), will be reading from her new volume of poetry for the Faculty at Five Series at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Mar 30 in Jonsson Performance Hall. The presentation is free for all UTD students, faculty and...
A group of rogue US Army soldiers in Afghanistan killed innocent civilians and then posed with their bodies.
The Overture chose to re-post the link to the original Der Spiegel and Guardian story (both published March 21, 2011) about photographs released showing US army soldiers who killed and then posed with the bodies of innocent Afghan civilians because we found American news agencies (including the New York Times, NPR and ABC) either burying...

Bend Me, Change Me, Bend Me More But Don’t Leave Me
Whipping vigorously in turbulent spring winds like anchored white dragons attempting to take flight, a quintet of plastic bag and steel pole sculptures displayed on the lawn adjacent the Visual Arts building (Art Barn) at the University of Texas at Dallas is the work of London-based artist Claudia Borgna. The sculptures, dense chains of white...
UTD Increases Transcript Request Fee
The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) will increase fees for official transcript requests from free to between $10-$35 as of March 1. PER ORION Beginning March 1, 2011, it will cost $10 to order official transcripts and $10-$25 for optional expedited shipping, which can be requested through the Registrar’s Marketplace storefront. Official transcripts could...

Flag of Israel Defaced on Spirit Rocks
The flag of Israel, spray painted on the Spirit Rocks at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), was defaced Monday, Jan. 31. With red spray paint, someone drew an X over the Star of David, wrote the word ‘Herp’ and placed red hand prints to the left of the star. A UT Dallas police...
Remarks by the President in State of the Union Address
The White House Office of the Press Secretary released the prepared remarks for President Obama’s State of the Union address prior to this evening’s delivery at 8 p.m. CST. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans: Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the...
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